Blog (EN)

ARFO Newsletter – projects, events and news (April – June 2023)
Camp Preparation This year we are gearing up for 3 camps in July and August. We are expecting over 50 families, and we are preparing activities for all ages. If you haven't had a chance to register but would like to come, we still have a few spots available. Here are some encouraging words from…
07 iulie 2023

ARFO Newsletter – projects, events and news (January – March 2023)
ARFO Summit 2023 - Journeying Together - The ARFO Summit 2023 registration page is now available! Join us for an eye-opening and impactful event with the potential to change the lives of many children. ARFO Summit is a yearly event dedicated to promoting and sustaining adoptions and those in the process of adopting in Romania.…
31 martie 2023

Essential changes in Romania’s human rights for children – Positive effects for tens of thousands of children
The Romanian President issued the Decree to enforce the modifications brought to Law 272/2004 on Children's Rights and Protection. The modifications contain procedural aspects designed to reduce bureaucracy in the child welfare system and to offer greater chances for abandoned children to experience life in a family. Among the main modifications:In Romania, there are approximately 46,000…
07 iulie 2022

Narcis and Cristi: same story and different outcome.
Author: Nathanael BurkeAs a very young child, Narcis was abandoned by his biological parents. Fortunately, he was also adopted at a young age by parents who now love and care for him as their own. Narcis’ parents have been trained to understand the impact of trauma on his development and to recognize the influence of…
30 martie 2021

Love in the Time of a Pandemic II
Do you remember the 3 extraordinary children, with significant medical deficiencies, that through a miracle found families in one of the most difficult periods in human history? Stelian has Down syndrome, Gabriel has tracheostomy and gastrostomy (he breathes and feeds through tubes), and Eric has hydrocephalus, West Syndrome, and at least for now, he can’t…
04 decembrie 2020

Romania Without Orphans Alliance awarded for lobby and advocacy campaigns in the field of child protection and adoption.
Ten’s of thousands of children now have a better chance to find a family.The Romania Without Orphans Alliance (RWO), at the PR Award Gala, on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, received the Gold Award distinction for the best lobby and advocacy campaign of the year.In awarding the distinction, the competition’s jury analyzed how RWO conducted the…
25 noiembrie 2020

Impressions after first online Summit
The first Romania Without Orphans online Summit just finished. “Everyone can do something” was the message that stuck in the minds of the participants and the most common response was “it didn’t last long enough”
06 noiembrie 2020

Love in the time of a pandemic
Stelian, Gabriel, and Eric, three one-year old children, with major medical problems were abandoned in a Bucharest hospital. At a time when such a thing seemed impossible, these children discovered what Christian hospitality and the warmth of a family means. The adventure of them and their daring parents inspires us and challenges us to dream…
02 iunie 2020

Historical decision of the Romanian High Court: Family-based foster care can no longer be restricted!
The Romania Without Orphans Alliance (ARFO), represented by the Law Firm of Rațiu & Rațiu, obtained a definitive judgment of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) that cancelled certain restrictive provisions in the law governing the placement of children in family based foster care within the child protection system.Back in 2015, the Ministry of…
06 februarie 2020